Is it not time Brighton and Hove City Council stopped spending money on pet projects and started concentrating on delivering value for money to the people of Brighton and Hove?

No matter what Ken Bodfish says (Letters, June 7), £150,000 is a substantial amount of money which could probably be spent on the delivery of services to many people who are being told the council is short of funds.

Are we seriously suggesting the council needs "street doctors" to tell it that many streets have litter and rubbish strew across them and graffiti-adorning buildings?

I was also outraged to read that "lack of awareness" is a major reason as to why people drop litter in the city.

What it comes down to is antisocial behaviour, which should not be tolerated.

If the council wants, I would be quite happy to point out areas where litter and graffiti are issues so it does not have to spend more of taxpayers' funds on silly schemes.

If there are not enough public bins around, maybe the council should think about providing more. If rubbish starts to overflow, perhaps the council could consider more collections and concentrating on services rather than schemes.

It is time for real action to be taken rather than warm words which serve only to highlight a problem of which the majority of residents are already only too aware.

-Jonathan Sheppard, Coombe Road, Brighton