In the recent Worthing local elections, the Liberal Democrats had 234 fewer votes than the Conservatives but won two more seats and took control of the council.

The Labour Party, with 7.63 per cent of the votes, could have expected to win one seat but did not win any. What a crazy voting system.

Does anyone really believe it is democratic?

The inefficient first-past-the-post system favoured the Liberal Democrats in this election, although they would like to replace it with a fairer one.

The system worked against the Conservatives this time, although they support it. It's a funny old world.

Scotland and Wales are moving towards fairer voting systems for local elections, which give parties a fair share of the seats for votes cast and encourage people to vote by making every vote count.

The recent results in Worthing prove it is high time we ditched the unfair first-past-the-post voting system in England as well.

-Anthony Tuffin, Chairman, Makes Vote Count in West Sussex