The more I deal with buses, trains, shops, delivery firms and other services, the more appalled I become.

Ordinary users, because they have neither money nor power - or so it seems - can be treated as the suppliers please.

If only more people would complain, not to the local manager but to the top, things might start to change.

The same thing applies to politicians. They are only interested in the ordinary people when they want their votes.

Once they have them, they just go back to behaving as before, with arrogance and thoughtlessness.

In some places, people have taken on the big corporations and the politicians and have won.

More small groups should do this to get what they want, not what they are told they want. Sometimes it gets to the extent we are told what is best for us, without it being necessarily the case.

After all, there is in reality no such thing as ordinary. Everyone is special and important, as are their feelings and requirements.

When those in charge realise everyone is special and they cannot get away with mediocrity, things might start improving.

-Reverend D A Russell, Foredown Road, Portslade