It's not that the pro-Falmer lobby has ignored other sites, as J and D Freeman suggest (Letters, April 30).

The opposite is true - the "Anywhere But Falmer" campaign has taken no notice of the impossibility of alternative venues. Let's go through them one by one.

Waterhall - you have to be joking. Less controversial? No opposition? It really is on the Downs, unlike Falmer, and it is north of the bypass. You would never get planning permission. Oh, and the public transport links aren't too wonderful, either.

Newhaven - it's not possible owing to FA rules and it's earmarked for other things. Brighton station - too small, not available and would create traffic chaos.

Shoreham harbour - appalling access; it would create traffic chaos for miles around.

Shoreham airport - marshland. Toads Hole Valley - not available and very poor public transport access.

Any other serious suggestions? Thought not.

Falmer isn't perfect but the club has chosen it wisely. It's time for Brighton and Hove City Council to pull its finger out.

-J Goodchild, Upper North Street, Brighton