Fans of a cult Seventies film still rave about how it seemed to strike a chord with almost every adolescent in the land.

None more so than Ricky Bonnett, who, more than 20 years since Quadrophenia hit the screens, is still mesmerised by the movie, inspired by the Mods versus Rockers pitched battles in Brighton.

His fascination led him to scour the world for original accessories from the 1979 movie to adorn his platinum-sprayed Vespa PX200.

Through the internet, Ricky, 38, managed to track down an original whippy aerial from the film used on the character Ace's bike from a collector in Scotland.

He has just taken delivery of a pair of Sixties flying goggles from America to set off the Mod look.

Married father-of-two Ricky, of High Street, Newhaven, bought his first Vespa aged 17 at the height of Quadrophenia-mania.

However, by the late Eighties he abandoned the unfashionable image as he felt the newer, squarer Vespa models were ugly.

That was until last October when he spotted the original-style Vespa for sale for £2,100 in Scooter Cruise in St John's Road, Hove.

He said: "It's a lovely little model, one which Ace, who Sting played in the film, used. From there I've really gone to town, making sure I replicate the original. And I don't think I've done a bad job at all. It's taken me six months."

As well as the original accessories, Ricky, who runs Diamond Geezer's Barber Shop in High Street, Newhaven, has spent £4,000 ensuring every minute detail is copied.

Fifteen spotlights sit in front of 15 mirrors which hang from the side. Ricky even found an old-style AA badge dating from 1959 and a personalised number plate, registration R6 MOD.

To ensure everything is fitted to perfection, Ricky has watched the film ten times during the past few months.

He said: "You should see some of the looks I get when I go for a cruise. Some people have said it's the best-looking scooter they've ever seen.

"One time we were cruising along when a large crowd of people spontaneously burst into applause because of the scooter. It was amazing.

"It may only do a top speed of about 70mph but my wife, Sammy, and I just love taking it for a cruise and watching reactions as we pass."

Ricky's passion is shared by the 18 fellow members of The Targets, a scooter club set up in Newhaven dedicated to the Vespa.

Ricky said: "It is truly my pride and joy. It will be with me for life."