Fishermen have been congratulating themselves after capturing French vandals on surveillance cameras.

Members of the Hasting's Fishermen Protection Society caught students wreaking havoc on their fishing boats.

The youths smashed two windows and climbed on vessels before being chased off the beach by a fisherman.

A coachload of about 40 students had stopped off in Hastings on their way to language classes at The English Centre, Eastbourne.

Fishermen's protection society chairman Paul Joy said: "Students come in on coaches and get off here to exercise their legs.

"Two of my windows were smashed by a few of the students. They threw stones at winch shed windows and ran wild and climbed on boats.

"We have had terrible trouble before with students like these. They don't come here to spend money, just to cause damage. We're really pleased to have caught them."

The boys ran off the beach pursued by one of the fishermen. Mr Joy got in his car and parked in front of the coach so the students could not escape.

He demanded about five suspects get off the vehicle so he could identify them.

He said: "I had footage of them on my CCTV camera which is on my winch shed to protect my property.

"You can see them doing the damage on the film and we showed it to the teachers. The eye-witness on the beach could also identify them. Two students admitted doing it."

The next morning, Hastings Borough Council contacted The English Centre principal Anne Stead.

She instructed the suspects to leave their lessons and write letters of apology to the fishermen.

The students were also ordered to pay £165 to cover the cost of repairs to boat windows.

Ms Stead said: "The incident happened before the group arrived at The English Centre. The English Centre did not organise the activity for the students in Hastings.

"The group has apologised in full and paid compensation in full to the fishermen who were happy with the outcome."