Many people I have spoken to, both residents and visitors to Worthing, have expressed their delight at seeing the new "palm trees" (cordylines) along the sea front:

"What a difference a few palms make," "Brilliant," "Transforms our town," "Can we have more?" "Why has it taken so long?" "They look superb," "Gives Worthing a Riviera feel," "About time, too. Eastbourne has had them for years."

These are just a small selection of the numerous favourable comments made to Councillor Tim Dice and myself as we watched the palms being planted. Not one person was negative.

Several people, having read in your paper the letter from a councillor from an opposition party or in election propaganda from the same group, particularly the marginal Selden Ward, were under the impression the ruling party had spent £20,000 on these exotic plants (18 palms).

May I, through your paper, set the record straight? They have, in fact, cost just £315 each.

-Sue Murray, Chairperson, Worthing Hospitality Association