Blood Omen 2 for the PlayStation 2 is the fourth game in the Legacy of Kain series, which is fast becoming one of Eidos' flagship franchises.

The game features Kain, the nobleman turned vampire who first starred in the 1996 PlayStation hit Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain.

Kain is an interesting main character because he is, to put it simply, "evil". Not just a vampire, but a savage killer of human and inhuman foes.

Unlike the third game in the series, Soul Reaver 2, which emphasised puzzle-solving, the focus is on action.

Players are forced to hack and slash their way through countless foes using a mix of claws and demonic weapons.

Things get more personal when Kain grabs his foes, lifting them off the ground by their necks. Once he has killed them, the real wickedness begins.

Blood-sucking helps restore Kain's health and defeating powerful renegade vampire "bosses" gains him new "dark gifts" to charm foes and leap amazing distances.

Kain can also blend into the low-hanging mist.

The game's bleak environments look good with scurrying rats and atmospheric lighting. The sound is good, mainly because of Simon Templeman, who voices Kain.

Price: £44.99.

Feel good factor: 7 out of 10.