This gentleman was considered one of the wittiest Hollywood supporting actors of the Thirties and Forties.

Born in Worcester, Massachusetts, he went on to graduate from Harvard University.

He became associate editor of the New York Tribune Sunday Magazine. He was also editor of Vanity Fair.

In the Twenties, he became dramatic editor of Life Magazine.

He appeared in China Seas with C Aubrey Smith, Jean Harlow and

Clark Gable in 1935 and then Broadway Melody in 1938.

Then he really found his niche, starred in or commentated a series of shorts: How To Be A Detective, How To Train A Dog, How To Vote. One of these shorts, called How To Sleep, won an Academy Award.

He was one of the best well-meaning busy bodies on the screen.

He was, of course, Robert Benchley.

-Gordon Dean, St Luke's Road, Brighton