Builders are keen to identify a woman in a photograph they unearthed in the cellars of a night club.

The sepia photo in a brass frame was discovered below the former Paradox night club in West Street, Brighton.

The building is undergoing a £5 million refit and will be relaunched next month as Creation, a restaurant, bar and club venue.

A workman discovered the battered picture under a pile of rubbish and rubble.

Creation's general manager Emma Flaherty said: "We would love to find out if anyone recognises the young woman and knows anything about her.

"I don't know if her photograph was lost or abandoned but it would be lovely if we could reunite it with her family.

"If anyone does know who she is, we would love to return the frame to them and of course invite the whole family to Creation's VIP opening on May 10."

Since its construction in 1892, the building has been used as a roller-skating rink, cinema and Sherry's Dance Hall.