Graham Munday was viciously punched and kicked by a gang of boys. He was left bleeding on the ground with a broken nose, simply because he was gay.

What makes this cowardly and vicious attack all the more shocking is that it was carried out by a group of schoolboys, some as young as 12.

Mr Munday, like many gay people, lives in Brighton and Hove because it is a tolerant resort with a good reputation.

But there is a small yet significant minority of people determined to make the lives of gay people a misery.

There is little doubt that the gang had been drinking and some of them may have been drunk. That is no excuse.

Better education at schools is needed to make sure the message gets through to all youngsters that homophobia is wrong.

Reform of Section 28 of the Local Government Act may be needed so that teachers are not afraid to put across this message to pupils.

No one is saying schools should advocate homosexuality, for it is up to youngsters to work out their sexuality for themselves.

But there is a surprising lack of knowledge, even these days, among many youngsters on the subject.

This ignorance can lead to intolerance and even the sort of vile attack that was perpetrated on Mr Munday.

The only good news in the whole story was the helpful attitude of the police, who are going all out to catch the attackers.