Hundreds of Sussex police officers are planning to take to the streets to protest against changes to pay and conditions.

Coachloads will travel to London to join thousands of colleagues from around the country for a rally at Westminster.

Graham Alexander, spokesman for the Sussex branch of the Police Federation, said he was hoping 300 Sussex officers would take part.

He said: "More would join but we have insisted work comes first.

"Only those on rest days or holidays will be involved."

As many as 15,000 officers from around England and Wales are expected to join the protest on Wednesday.

Sussex had one of the highest percentage turnouts in a national police poll which rejected the proposals.

Almost 97 per cent of local officers said no to the changes.

Ahmed Ramiz, federation branch secretary, said: "Officers in Sussex have sent out a clear message to the Home Secretary that if the proposals are implemented in their current form it will lead to division and further demoralise the service."

He said Home Secretary David Blunkett had "failed to appreciate the anger our members feel at what is an attack on their pay and conditions.

"The Federation does not seek confrontation but has been given no choice.

"It will use all lawful means of protest to expose a Government relying on spin and media manipulation to vilify the service in the eyes of the public.

"The Home Office is misleading the public.

"Instead of attacking the service, the federation believes the Government needs to get its facts right, listen to police officers and separate police reform from police pay."