Adam Trimingham is wrong in thinking the supermarket on the Brighton station site is providing the cash for the rest of the development (The Argus, March 6).

Just as on the Jubilee Street and Orchard Road, Hove, sites, it is the housing which is providing the cash for the rest of the development.

If the supermarket and its car park were dropped from the Brighton station scheme, there would be more space for employment opportunities and social housing.

Proposed business parks at Toads Hole Valley, Hangleton Bottom and Patcham Court Farm would be car parks with offices attached.

These sites are ill-served by public transport, so workers (many of whom will be travelling from Mid-Sussex), would be dependent on their cars.

Just imagine 770 workers in 770 cars trying to get to and from Patcham Court Farm via the already-overloaded Patcham roundabout.

Simon Fanshawe is advocating that Brighton employees should live in cheaper places such as Hastings.

As the train service is slow, won't they be tempted to travel in by car? And is it right to add two hours to an employee's working day?

We should aim to keep a compact city where people can walk, cycle and use buses with ease to get about their daily lives.

-Selma Montford, honorary secretary, Places For People, South Road, Brighton