Those of us who have watched Jenny Barnard-Langston's political career over the years are not surprised by her defection to the Liberal Democrats (January 28).

All the posturing and emphasis on personality was always going to end in tears.

I understand she and her husband also made overtures to the ruling Labour group - thank goodness it had the good sense to reject them.

Politics is fundamentally about principles, not personalities.

If there were disagreements within the Tory Party, they should have stayed and fought their corner, not upped sticks and left at the first draught of heat from the political kitchen.

Councillor Elgood, the Lib Dem leader will, of course, huff and puff and pretend they are a great catch.

Like all defectors, they will experience a brief period of celebrity and then the void of obscurity.

Defectors do not prosper in British politics, unless they are giants such as Winston Churchill.

Much is made of Jenny's popularity in Hove. But this did not stop her from being humiliated by Ivor Caplin MP at the last General Election.

As to principles, Jenny and her husband should both resign immediately, cause a by-election and offer themselves to the Hove voters as Lib-Dems.

Will they do so? Don't hold your breath.

-John Hodgson, Capel Avenue, Peacehaven