The Queen is to visit Mid Sussex during Golden Jubilee Week in June, Buckingham Palace announced today.

The South of England Show at Ardingly will host the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh's visit on June 7.

It will be her only trip outside the capital during the week.

The Queen's presence at the show will be the focal point of her visit to East and West Sussex and Surrey.

The news has special significance for the South of England Agricultural Society, which organises the show, following the cancellation of last year's event due to foot-and-mouth disease.

Carola Godman Law, society chairman, said: "This visit will give huge encouragement to our farmers, agricultural and rural businesses that support the show and we shall make sure it is a day to remember."

The Lord Lieutenants of West and East Sussex are working with the society on the programme for the day, the Queen's first visit to the show since 1984.

Hugh Wyatt, Lord Lieutenant of West Sussex, said: "This is a great honour and a wonderful opportunity for our people to see Her Majesty during her Golden Jubilee Year."

Up to 50,000 people are expected to attend the show on the day of the Queen's visit.

Last year's cancellation meant the society lost out on £500,000 which would have been spent on charitable projects and helping the farming industry.

Society spokeswoman Susan Fleet said: "Her visit will be the highlight of the show.

"It's a great honour. There will be all the usual attractions plus a few extra events planned."

The society says there has been a huge amount of interest in Jubilee celebrations and says it has been swamped by applications to take part in its unique Picnic Festival.

Communities are being encouraged to organise picnics during the summer using only local produce.

The festival will culminate in the World's Biggest Picnic at Ardingly on August 18.

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