Meet the team who love txt. Becks FC's boss Dave Page text messages his team ahead of games advising players not to get drunk and to get to bed early instead.

Page spends an estimated £10.00 a week chasing up his Sussex Sunday League Intermediate Division hopefuls and he wants his side to take their title challenge more seriously.

The Becks chief was forced to quit the game following a broken leg two years ago and the passionate football fan has thrown his heart and soul, not to mention a few quid, into running his side.

Page said: "I think because I cannot play I enjoy the coaching side more than anything. I take it seriously, a bit too seriously at times.

"We are all good mates and although we didn't start particularly well, we won eight in a row recently. I always send them before games saying where and when we are playing.

"We have a good team spirit and it is all taken in the right way. I send about six to Neil Soffe as he is always late and Simon Haynes gets a lot too. They are always out getting drunk that's the main problem.

"There are quite a few clowns in the team. Darren Burton is a joker. He normally puts a dirty magazine in the kit bag so whoever takes it home gets in trouble with their other half. He has also been known to put deep heat in people's pants.

"One of our players had to run off halfway through a game to be sick. His name was Dave Sandell and I dropped him the next week. Is it any wonder I am always reminding them to stay off the booze?

"Then there's Justin Watts who has pulled out of games with some outrageous excuses. One week he claimed he couldn't play because he had piles."

Neil Soffe, 29, is a Manchester United season ticket holder who frequently turns up late for games after celebrating United's latest win.

Nevertheless the Becks centre forward has ten goals to his name from 11 appearances this season.

He said: "I wouldn't say the money Dave spends on text messages is particularly well spent. Normally everyone is drunk when they get them in the first place which doesn't help.

"Before a game Dave might send a SMS saying: 'stay off the sauce' but it usually gets ignored.

"We always turn up at the last minute which annoys Dave. Personally I'll do anything to get out of the warm up, I hate getting out of bed before 9.45 am.

"We all enjoy our football. It is a good hang over cure and it certainly gets rid of the cobwebs. But I suspect the boss would prefer us not to have any in the first place."

Cheers to the lads and I hope you enjoyed the case of London Pride.