There appears to be a generally accepted myth that animal rights activists are all strict vegans.

This fallacy has been perpetuated by correspondence on Brighton's recent anti-fur protest. Not so.

Following a tongue-in-cheek letter in which I mentioned that some Shamrock Farm protesters apparently wore leather, I was personally contacted by a lady who attended such demos and saw nothing inconsistent in a meat-eating, leather-wearing lifestyle.

Moreover, she was proud to announce that her (non-Lurcher) dogs caught hares for the pot.

A fit male would leave any pet pooch standing.

She obviously didn't care that hares are protected by law between March and July and her dogs were probably killing jennies, leaving their leverets to starve to death - a fate just as cruel as the one that befalls the rabbits destined for the fur trade.

-William Fraser, Summerheath Road, Hailsham