Brighton Marina most certainly is the planning disgrace Audrey Marshall said it is (Letters, November 20).

One point that might be added is the way this development, unattractive in itself, ruins the views from elsewhere.

This is a factor the planners never seem to take into consideration, yet which ought to be a major issue.

From my windows, and from many windows along Marine Parade, one has a view of the cliffs to the east which is beautiful and precious.

I feel privileged to be able to watch the evening light on the cliff faces and the ferries going in and out of Newhaven.

But each year the development at the Marina erodes that view.

I used to be able to see the rock pools along the undercliff. I no longer can.

The cliffs themselves are increasingly obscured by the Marina's Lego-like buildings. The same applies to the views from the Palace Pier or the shore.

Why don't planners take these factors into consideration before giving permission?

All over Brighton and Hove, there are fine views that have been spoilt in this way.

-Graham Chainey, Marine Parade, Brighton