Having seen our streets turned into a free long-term car park in the centre of Brighton and Hove we, the Frustrated Residents of Goldsmid South (FROGS), are campaigning for the introduction of a residential parking scheme in our area.

Goldsmid residents will no doubt recall being asked by Brighton and Hove City Council to vote on this question about a year ago.

Despite a carefully-constructed ballot showing a 63 per cent majority in favour in the region south of Davigdor Road, there is still no sign of a scheme being introduced.

The effect is that anyone can, and does, park in our roads where there are no restrictions, yet we cannot park in adjoining streets in, say, Brunswick or Regency because they are subject to parking controls.

Imagine using your car knowing that when you return you will not be able to leave it within half a mile of your home.

The council spent £48,000 on the consultation process in our ward, then ignored the findings that would have enabled it to bring in a revenue-generating scheme in an area that would have actually welcomed it.

We plan to present a petition to the council's next meeting on November 29 asking it to reconsider.

If you live in the area and want to add your name to the growing list of FROGS who are hopping mad, call us on 01273 328205 or email frogspetition @aol.com and we will get a copy of the petition to you so you can sign it.

-Brian Williams, York Avenue, Brighton