A window cleaner from Hove fell 30ft to his death, an inquest heard today.

A verdict of accidental death was recorded on Ken Clout, 65, of Poplar Avenue, Hove, a window cleaner for 40 years.

Mr Clout was leaning out of a first-floor bay window, next to the Church of the Sacred Heart in Norton Road, Hove, when the accident happened on September 3.

Mr Clout, who had cleaned windows at the property for years, is thought to have died instantly from his injuries.

A post-mortem examination showed he suffered a fractured skull and a broken neck.

No one saw him fall but a passer-by found him lying in the basement area moments later.

His cleaning tools were by his side as well as a metal handle, which had been ripped away from the window frame.

It is believed Mr Clout may have been sitting with his lower body inside and his upper body outside the window when he lost his balance and fell.

Stuart Harley, an environmental health officer for Brighton and Hove City Council, said: "I would suggest it was not the safest way to work. However, I have seen window cleaners operate like this, as their custom and practice."

He said the window frame to which the handle was attached showed signs of rot. He said it would have been difficult to use a ladder to clean the bay window.

Brighton and Hove Coroner Veronica Hamilton-Deeley said: "He was a very experienced window cleaner. He was also very familiar with the church and adjacent premises.

"He clearly devised a system that had always worked for him in the past."