I really did witness the height of stupidity when it comes to parking in Brighton and Hove.

I don't mean I saw a parking attendant parked illegally so he could do his job and catch other people doing the same thing. It was even more unbelievable than that.

The road I live in (Lansdowne Street, BN3) has a disabled parking space for a disabled permit-holder.

Fine so far. However, on one recent morning, the disabled parking space had been parked in by another car with no disabled permit and with no parking ticket.

Because the person with the disabled permit had to park somewhere, he or she parked further up the road.

While fully and clearly displaying his or her disabled permit, a parking attendant saw fit to give this person a parking ticket.

Is parking not difficult enough for those who can get about easily? I pay £80 a year to park in my road only once in every one or two weeks, while the remainder of the time is spent driving round for ages and then walking back to my house.

What about those people with children or mobility difficulties, for whom it is really important to park near their house?

I am absolutely disgusted by this and hope the disabled person in question kicks up the biggest fuss he or she possibly can.

-Carly Gray, Offenders and Corrections Unit, Research Development and Statistics Directorate, John Islip Street, London SW1