A teenager who tried to put out a fire started by pranksters was taken to hospital after falling into the flames.

The 19-year-old, whose name has not been released, was on her way home from work yesterday when she noticed smoke coming from an alley in Portland Road, Worthing.

The blaze had been deliberately started by two boys setting fire to rubbish.

Although the fire was small, the woman collapsed due to fumes and fell forwards into the flames.

Her cousin phoned the fire brigade who found her to one side of the burning rubbish struggling to get her breath and in obvious distress.

She was given first aid on the spot by paramedics before being taken to Worthing Hospital suffering from superficial burns and the effects of smoke.

Leading Firefighter Steve Boniface said: "Although the woman's actions were commendable, it must be remembered by all members of the public they must put their own safety first and let the professional firefighters deal with the incident.

"By mindlessly setting fire to rubbish, the actions of two children could have resulted in the casualty receiving far worse injuries than she did."