We are overseas students living in Brighton. We like going out but think pubs and clubs close too early.

The closing times are not in accordance with reality. The law for pubs closing at 11pm is left over from the First World War.

Then, it was decreed to close pubs early because of the conflict but this law was never repealed.

In Belgium and Holland, most pubs are open until 2am or 3am and most clubs until 5am or 6am.

The early-closing times in England don't make people drink less - they just drink faster.

It doesn't resolve any problems and people become frustrated because they have to suddenly stop having fun.

Another reason to change the rules is that people come out of pubs and clubs at the same time.

The streets get crowded and it's a nightmare to get a taxi. You wouldn't have this problem if pubs and clubs were open longer, because people would leave over a greater spread of time.

-Maarten Dokter, The Netherlands; David Maes, Belgium