Two colleges officially unite to form the largest further education college in the county tomorrow.

Lewes Tertiary College (LTC) and Eastbourne College of Arts and Technology (Ecat) will be known as Sussex Downs College.

The college will be the biggest of its kind in East Sussex with more than 1,000 members of staff and 4,500 full-time students a year plus 22,000 part-timers.

The college will be split between two main campuses in Eastbourne at Cross Levels Way and Mountfields Road in Lewes.

Students will remain at their current campuses but will also have access to buildings such as the purpose-built business centre on Denton Island, Newhaven.

Chief executive and principal of Sussex Downs College Dr John Blake said: "We are able to pool staff expertise and offer more focused learning and higher quality learning in specialised subjects.

"Through significant extra investment in new technologies, we will also be able to provide a wider range of equipment and facilities."