Worried residents are a step closer to getting action over a road junction they say is dangerous.

Council officers will cost and draw up a scheme to slow traffic turning into Holland Road, Hove, from Kingsway.

Residents backed local Liberal Democrat councillors who presented a large petition calling for action.

Now council traffic officers have agreed to start work on making it safer for pedestrians to cross Holland Road.

Part of the problem is that the corner is so wide that motorists leaving the busy seafront are able to drive round it at speed.

Their view of pedestrians in Holland Road is also obscured by the high walls of the ramps leading into Adelaide Crescent.

Brunswick and Adelaide city councillor Paul Elgood said: "This is an important step forward in tackling what residents see as an extremely dangerous junction.

"It is a serious accident waiting to happen as cars can turn off Kingsway almost without reducing speed.

"We have grown increasingly concerned because in the summer the road is a mass of families heading to or from the seafront."

City council traffic manager Peter Bloxham said there had been only two recorded accidents involving pedestrians at the junction in the last five years.

He said: "However, I can appreciate the concern because of the size of the corners and limited visibility.

"I will draw up and cost a scheme for further consultation within the next four weeks.

"Its implementation will depend on finance being available and its priority against other schemes."