I am very pleased The Argus is campaigning to keep breast services in Brighton.

I have read all the articles and letters that have appeared since the campaign began and feel the issue has been handled very well.

However, an article which followed an interview with Stuart Welling had one huge error (The Argus, October 12).

Michele Stacey, who was instrumental in starting the Nigel Porter Unit, was not headhunted. She chose to leave the unit and sought another hospital.

It shows how highly she is respected in the world of breast care that she was appointed at Charing Cross Hospital so quickly.

It will be a sad day if the health authority in a city as large as Brighton and Hove cannot find an alternative to moving part of the breast services to Haywards Heath.

I would have thought it would be cheaper to do that then spend a huge amount moving.

The health authority still owns some property in Brighton and Hove so it should be quite possible.

No mention has been made of the people who work in the Nigel Porter Unit.

The secretarial and administrative staff are an integral part of the team, together with the nurses, and they are very reluctant to move to Haywards Heath although appreciate the unit is too small at the moment.

Mr Welling said at the public meeting that everyone is happy to move. This is not the case.

It is hardly ever the case a women needs one appointment at the unit.

Many patients need several, including inpatient treatment and subsequent follow-up.

I shall be sending my petition at the last possible moment to ensure I have lots of names. Thank you for highlighting this very important issue.

-Mrs P H Williams RGN, Dyke Road Avenue, Hove