Far be it for me to be seen to be defending Brighton and Hove City Council's grant-giving process, but it is important I comment on the article about the gay media group, GLAM (The Argus, October 11).

For the past ten years, the council discriminated against lesbian and gay organisations in the distribution of funds from the main grants budget.

This year, after conducting the best-value review, there has been a substantial increase in investment in the LGBT voluntary sector from the council.

While the council's main grants budget remains so pitifully small in relation to other cities of a similar size, it is important voluntary organisations that provide front- line services are adequately financed and prioritised.

The most recent LGBT research, Count Me In, highlighted the principal issues affecting the LGBT community and identified the services we access for help and advice. The council's substantial investment this year into Brighton Lesbian and Gay Switchboard reflects these priorities.

When money is so scarce, organisations will always feel disappointed when they don't receive what they hoped for but it is clearly unfair to suggest the council treated the LGBT community unfairly in this year's grants round.

-James Ledward, Editor, Gscene Magazine, Portland Road, Hove