During my stint on Brighton and Hove City Council, some members from all parties made no contribution in any meeting or council for the whole of their council membership.

This is a chance for the local electorate to get rid of the dead wood by voting for an elected mayor and fewer councillors.

Most Continental countries and the US have this system, which is more successful.

Turnout for local elections is 20 per cent if you are lucky; this is not democracy.

People round the world know who the mayor of New York is but ask them who is the civic mayor of London or the local mayor and they would not have a clue.

The population of New York is 19 million, the number of councillors 50.

The population of Brighton and Hove is 250,000 with 78 councillors.

Electors, please note the problems which run and run under the old system - travellers, parking, graffiti, etc. Vote the political pygmies out. Enough is enough.

Go for an elected mayor who will be out in front. This person can't pass the buck.

If he or she doesn't deliver, then he or she will be out of office after four years.

-Bernard Jordan, Addison Road, Hove