Residents have won their battle to stop a mobile phone mast from being put up near their homes.

The application from Orange was turned down by council planners last night.

Ten councillors voted against officers' recommendations and blocked the bid for a 10-metre mast near Randiddles Close, Wickham Hill, Hassocks. One councillor abstained.

When the decision was announced a cry of joy went up from the 29 protesters who had gathered at the meeting.

The application was refused on a number of grounds including its proximity to homes, its visual impact and the possible flood hazards of the site.

The council had received 65 letters of objection and a petition with 30 signatures. A further petition with 29 signatures was accepted during the meeting.

Sue Curnok, of Wickham Hill, who handed in the petition, was delighted with the result.

She said: "I have a three-year-old son and I was very concerned. I objected on all the points stated at the meeting. It was a ridiculous proposal in the first place."

Melvyn Tarran, who lives next to the proposed site in Randiddles Close and organised the first petition, said: "It is a great relief of course. If it comes up again we will fight it again."

Planning officer Peter Rainier warned the mobile phone company might be successful on appeal at a later date.

Councillor Peter Martin said: "I have no hesitation in seconding the refusal of this application.

"I don't go along with the thrust of Government guidance. The Government has obviously sold its soul to these companies, earning large amounts of money, and has framed the guidance notes accordingly."

Councillor Susanna Kemp rejected the application on the grounds the site at the bottom of the hill was too dangerous. There have been a number of road accidents and some flooding and it was felt the mast would create an a further hazard.

She said : "It is an astonishing application. It is a particularly dangerous site."