I am afraid Christopher Hawtree (Letters, September 1) has misinterpreted my comments.

I do not comment on the detail of planning applications - that is a matter for Brighton and Hove City Council.

However, I take an active interest in the major issues that affect the people of Hove and Portslade.

That is why I met the residents concerned about the development of the Alliance & Leicester site but, unlike Mr Hawtree, those residents are not saying "No" to any development.

As far as the King Alfred centre is concerned, it is time to demolish the building.

It is an embarrassment and an eyesore. Let's put in its place an exciting new development, including an Olympic-size swimming pool and an ice arena we so desperately need for the city.

Given the choice between progress and continuously saying "No" to everything, most people will choose to move forward and that is why I take such an interest in these issues.

-Ivor Caplin MP, Norton Road, Hove