How sad to see another example of how rights are known by all, yet responsibilities don't appear to be known at all.

We are told about the "freedoms" the 17-year-old travellers wish (August 22). We'd probably all like a touch of freedom but we can't all get it at someone else's expense.

We see them dressed in trendy clothes, then we hear about one not being able to read or write. Yet she doesn't seem to have much trouble learning to get and use a mobile phone.

The caravan one 17-year-old uses is rented, paid for by the benefits she receives. Benefits for what exactly - not being able to read or write?

Many of the travellers are doing casual work. Would their payments be disclosed? There must be thousands of students struggling to pay their way through college who cringe at this sort of story, as society's only apparent handout to them is up to £15,000 of debts.

What a strange sort of society we are creating - not one of equality but one of inequality based on how little you give back.

How do we motivate our children to work hard when they are bombarded by cases where society seems to promote and subsidise people who don't actually want to be part of it?

Benefits are there for the needy, not to subsidise a lifestyle choice.

-J R Stevens, Roman Crescent, Southwick