As a resident of Newhaven, I am very concerned about the fact we have to face the prospect of an incinerator in our midst.

As members of this community, we have protested, written thousands of letters to government officials, spoken to councillors and I have to say none of us seems to be any the wiser about an outcome of this affair.

As you go along any road in this town you will see notices in many windows saying "no" to this unpleasant prospect.

I wish I had an insight but, like others, I have tried to do my bit to make the evils of this process known. We pay the highest council tax and we face the prospect of the great honour of burning Brighton and Hove's rubbish.

I care about this town, I live in it and I work with families here and I can assure you the last thing the people of this town need is a horrible monster belching fumes, being fed with others' rubbish. Keep saying "no" to this carcinogenic monster.

-Rose Page, The Fairway, Newhaven