A residential home in Eastbourne is to close because the owners say they can't afford to meet new Government guidelines.

Royal Alfred House in Hartington Place, Eastbourne is home to 47 residents, mostly former seamen, and is run by a charity, the Royal Alfred Seafarers Society.

To meet new Government standards the society would have to provide en suite bathrooms and expand each bedroom.

Matron Edith Henry said this was not possible and she hoped residents would not be separated.

Alan Quinton, general secretary of the society, added: "We are looking at accommodation in the Eastbourne area and hoping to stay open here as long as possible."

The closure comes weeks after the announcement that two council-run homes in Eastbourne and Bexhill would close for the same reason.

Parker House in Redoubt Road, Eastbourne, and Haldane House in Cooden Drive, Bexhill, were earmarked for closure by East Sussex County Council.

The council said it would cost too much to bring them in line with the new standards. Public sector union Unison plans to appeal against the decision.