I have a very soft spot for fairy tales and became completely besotted with The Gallant Tailor from Tivola.

Famous for quirkiness, Tivola has managed to inject more than a little magic into this traditional story about good and evil.

The tale is set in a small village, somewhere in the mountains of Germany if the graphics are anything to go by. The village tailor sneaks a pot full of very sweet plum jam from a passing lady peddler and instantly surrounded by a monumental buzzing fly problem.

He lashes out and swats seven flies with a single blow and is so impressed with his prowess that he convinces himself that he has been wasting his time as a tailor and sets out to right wrongs and perform deeds of derring do.

Ably assisted by his ineptly-named chums, Doc Croc and Yoyo, the bold tailor saves a village from a giant and eventually meets up with the king's daughter and falls hopelessly in love.

The player's task is to win the hand of the princess for the tailor, which is actually a lot easier than it sounds as she is definitely up for the event.

The software has a number of activity areas allowing for a great deal of cutting out and sticking together of bits of paper as the player makes the tailor a new suit of clothes. There is a great recipe for plum jam and a clever pattern for a giant-frightening mask and printable plans for a model theatre.

The Gallant tailor is excellent value for money with plenty of worthwhile and educational activities for children aged three to seven.

Price: £19.99.

Contact: 01908 617746.

Feel good factor:

8 out of 10.