Neighbours of the West Pier in Brighton fear new buildings planned for nearby will ruin the area.

Permission for the restoration of the pier has already been granted by council planners.

To make the project viable, developer St Modwen wants to construct two large buildings at the shore end, either side of the pier. There will be a gap to preserve views of the pier itself.

The scheme was presented to members of the Regency Square Area Society by St Modwen director Nick Doyle.

He outlined the need for the buildings, which will stretch almost from the al fresco restaurant to the eastern end of the old paddling pool.

There will be restaurants and shops in the buildings, which will project above the upper promenade of King's Road.

St Modwen will apply for planning permission for the new buildings later this year.

Society spokesman Clive Buxton queried whether more restaurants and shops were needed in a city which was already full of them.

He said: "We are gravely concerned that the essential character and heritage of the city of Brighton and Hove along the seafront will be jeopardised by the scheme. It will seriously block views of the seafront for more than 500ft."