Students gathered to celebrate three years of hard work at their degree ceremonies today.

Hundreds of students from the faculty of business at the University of Brighton lined up to receive their certificates in front of their proud parents this morning.

The ceremony opened with the procession of professors, heads of departments, heads of schools and guests.

The proceedings were opened by chairman of the board of governors, Christopher Hume, who praised the hard work of the students.

He said: "We are here to recognise and celebrate the success of our former students. I extend my congratulations to everyone.

"Your success represents the fulfilment of everything this university stands for.

"People from very different walks of life have chosen to be here today to celebrate the achievement of our former students."

Mr Hume said that in achieving their aims they owed a great deal to business, commerce and other public industry. He also addressed the families and friends present.

He said: "I hope this will be a happy day and that you will enjoy the ceremony and that all the encouragement and support you have given to our graduates will be richly rewarded."

There are three pages of results in today's Argus.