If the sea water off Brighton is so clean (Argus, July 26) where's our blue flag?

I suspect the truth is that Brighton and Hove City Council won't try to apply for one for fear of the unwelcome media publicity when the resort's beaches fail.

The facts as I understand them are: Southern Water pumps millions of gallons of raw sewage into the sea every day; the main Brighton beach wasn't tested by the Good Beach Guide this year; Kemp Town beach wasn't recommended for swimming because of "high levels of bacteria from sewage"; Southern Water is way past the deadline for meeting the latest European Union bathing water standards; and the UK is being fined tens of thousands of pounds a day for failing to meet these standards.

The council isn't responsible for sewage treatment but doesn't it have a duty of care with regards to the health of the city's residents and many visitors?

We're being let down by our water company and our council and we pay their wages.

-Peter Robinson, Kemp Town, Brighton