Sussex Yacht Club's Inshore Series' Portobello race took place last Sunday with those who opted to watch from the safety of the club bar grateful for their decision.

This as the hardy crews received a battering in the testing conditions.

Thirteen yachts started due west from Shoreham beating in a moderate breeze with the first mark being left to port.

New owner of Juvenile Delinquent, Steve Vyse, nearly missed it and had to tack back to round it before proceeding out to sea to the next mark, Ambex.

Robin Stevenson, having sold his National Championship Bull 7000 Cow's Rig, was sailing a borrowed Bull 7000 Raging Bull. He crossed the startline first and kept the position to the finish.

Laurence Woodhams and crew of seven did well on Curved Air, and Juvenile Delinquent, with only three on board, showed their sailing skills in the breezy, testing conditions.

On reaching the Portobello mark laid off Rottingdean, the wind strength increased to force five to six, and yachts recorded 30 knot winds making it extremely wet and uncomfortable for the crews who had to beat against the wind for nearly ten miles back to Ambex. Most yachts had to reef down their sails but there were no reported major damage or injuries although Jason Large on Juvenile Delinquent knocked a hand-held GPS overboard.

Eventual winner, Keith Widdecombe and crew on Portia admitted to being battered by wind and waves. Graham Smallridge, skippering Duchess in the absence of his wife Janie, finished second and improving Laurence Woodhams on Curved Air was in third place.