Congratulations, Brighton and Hove City Council.

Presently, I travel to work from Hove to Lewes using public transport. I only use my car at the weekend, when I visit friends and family in remote areas.

I share a place with two other people and we live our independent lives. I would prefer to have a flat of my own but, since Brighton is the place to be, I am, and forever will be, unable to afford one alone.

We all have cars because the others work in Horsham and Arundel, so public transport is not an option for them unless they want to spend at least four hours a day on a bus or tram.

However, once the residents' parking scheme comes into effect, I will not be able to leave my car outside my flat because we are allowed only one permit per residence.

Presently, I have no problem parking and those that do illegally and double park are usually just too lazy to park one street away.

Soon, I will be forced to drive my car to work instead of using public transport to avoid paying a fortune for the privilege of parking near where I live. What a great step forward.

-Ruth Banils, Eaton Gardens, Hove