An man escaped death by inches when a chunk of ice the size of a breeze block crashed down from the sky and shattered at his feet

Keith McInnes, 41, was walking through a graveyard when the frozen lump fell from an aeroplane and whistled past his nose.

He said: "If I'd taken another step forward it would have killed me."

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is investigating because ice only falls from planes when there is a fault. The near calamity happened close to Mr McInnes' home in Woodbury Avenue, East Grinstead.

He said: "I was walking through the graveyard and I thought it was time I went to visit my daughter Lauren's grave in Crowborough. She died when she was just five.

"As soon as I had this thought the ice crashed down. I thought it was a sign from God."

Mr McInnes, an IT consultant, reported the fall to the police who passed on the details to the CAA.

A spokesman for the CAA said there were about 30 recorded "freeze falls" in the UK every year but no one had ever been hit.