An elderly Newhaven man killed himself nine months after his brother, an inquest heard.

Tom Brown, 81, took an overdose of painkillers at the sheltered bungalow where he lived in Neills Close, Newhaven, in February. He died a day later at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton.

Last May Mr Brown's brother Les, 86, was pulled from the sea in Newhaven Harbour. He died later at the same hospital.

An inquest into Tom Brown's death heard how the two brothers, who were retired greyhound trainers, had lived together for some years.

Tom missed his brother and when he began to suffer from ill health he had talked about killing himself and joining Les.

Brighton and Hove Coroner Veronica Hamilton-Deeley recorded a verdict of suicide. She said: "There is no doubt that Tom, just like Les, had enough and he simply decided he would take his own life.

"It is really so sad because he must have missed his brother very much."