The article about the opening of two play areas (Argus, April 19) was misleading since the Mackie Avenue playground in Patcham has still not been completed.

Councillor Middleton's "what people want" and "feel they own them" comments are somewhat bizarre, since at no point in the consultation exercise was the planned reduction in the area of the Mackie Avenue playground suggested.

At least 400sq ft has been removed. Is this really what the children want?

More effort seems to have been spent on fencing and ground surfaces to mitigate council liability than on actually improving or increasing the amount of play equipment available to the children.

The construction of a sand pit is strange because Brighton and Hove City Council is planning to remove all sand pits on health and safety grounds.

The other night, a "party" in the building site left wine bottles, a dozen beer cans and lighters strewn about. I wonder, was the council's play service invited?

-David Beaven, Patcham