Nigel Baker's comments (Opinion, April 23) regarding David Gold's suggestions for combating the problem of travellers in Brighton and Hove comprised a nasty slur.

We have to suffer these people invading our parks and open spaces, threatening our families when out walking or shopping.

We have to pay for the areas to be cleaned up after they have lived there with no toilet facilities.

We have to settle the bill for their legal eviction time and again because the laws are so inadequate.

We have to subsidise their style of living when, to the best of my knowledge, no other "community" expects handouts to ensure it lives in the style to which it is accustomed.

No more soft talk from the likes of Mr Baker, please.

Well done Mr Gold for having the guts to tackle a serious issue with the sensitivity and firmness it deserves.

There will be many in this constituency who will support you at the election for this reason alone.

-N Hannan, Dyke Road, Brighton