Hooe Sports have been told they will be left empty-handed despite clinching the East Sussex League Division Four title last month.

The East Sussex League have abandoned the season, except the Premier Division, and although Hooe completed their fixtures the campaign has been in vain.

Despite dropping just seven points all season and building an unassailable 14 point lead the league will not present them with any silverware.

Manager Sean Kirk, who targeted promotion this season, cannot believe it. He is furious the league has taken a decision without a meeting of clubs.

He said: "We're gutted. After walking the league this season, surely we deserve some reward. It doesn't make sense.

"Promotion was our aim but that's now not going to happen. We should at least receive a cup."

But league secretary Doug Saunders said: "There'll be no presentation of cups. The season is a void. Only the Premier Division can be finished and there's nothing we can do about it."

That means striker Rob Hewitt's 23 goals for the team count for nothing.

Rob thinks the league should have come up with a better solution.

"Why not settle the division on a points average?" he asked. "I know the league might not have been able to finish, but we did win fair and square.

"When I first heard of the news, I thought it was a late April Fool joke. I wasn't laughing then and I'm not laughing now."

Ambitious Little Common, who lead Division One and looked set to bounce back into the Premier Division, are also outraged.

The club want to win back their County League status and through Lottery grants and fundraising are about to build a £500,000 clubhouse.

Chairman Ken Cherry said: "The season could've been completed. We had five matches left and many teams are playing double headers. I can't believe the league committee have taken it upon themselves to cancel the season.

"We now have to go through another year in Division One and delay our return to the County League.

"Our club have County League facilities and exciting things are happening here. But this has put a dent into everything."

Hooe Sports chairman Tim Bryant understood the league was in a pickle with fixtures but cancelling the season was going beyond their bounds.

"They should have called an emergency meeting some weeks ago about this," he said. "You have to ask why this is the only league to have abandoned."

But Saunders insisted the league committee have done everything correctly. The emergency committee acted in the best interests of the clubs, he said.

"We are so sorry that this has disrupted many clubs but the league can't be blamed," said Saunders. "The fuel crisis, floods and foot and mouth all contrived against us. Hopefully we'll have better luck next season."

Sussex FA chief executive Ken Benham was concerned about the news and was planning to speak with league officials.

He said: "I'm always dubious when a league takes this kind of action without a meeting of their clubs, but it depends what's stated in their rulebook."