Imagine the most enormous collection of useful clip art images, with each

picture in full colour and plenty of detail, ready to be dropped into your latest desktop publishing project.

80,000 pictures all in 1 is probably the most comprehensive set of clip art I have ever seen.

It comes with a custom browser that allows the user to see their new clip art displayed properly and arranged in the correct genre.

All kinds of images are available from cartoons to fine art line drawings and each is stored in the industry standard.

WMF format can be accessed by almost any good desktop publishing or graphic design program.

The software requires Windows 95 or above, with at least a 486Mhz processor, a 256-colour monitor, 8Mb of Ram and about 8Mb of hard drive space.

I found the files easy to access and simple to insert into the documents.

There is very little that can go wrong with this package, so my suggestion is to nip down to your local PC and software shop and pick up a copy right away.

Price: £29.99
Contact: 01480 496600
Feel Good factor: 9 out of 10