Jennifer Is Missing is a madcap comic book adventure that leads a team of young detectives into all kinds of trouble and adventures.

Like most Tivola titles, this software is beautifully constructed and the graphics are to die for.

Featuring the fabulous TKKG team (Tiger, Katy, Kevin and Grunter), this fast-moving and extremely puzzling story is set in the quirky town of Roseborough where armed bank robberies and missing children create a wonderful air of mystery.

As the plot unfolds and witnesses are interviewed, the TKKG team gets to visit some amazing places such as the grotty old Hotel Splendid and find out why there is a mean-looking guard dog at the boathouse on the lake.

All good and exciting detective work.

The Tivola comic book style is very attractive and compelling. Players are led quickly between screens and soon begin to anticipate the next move.

The children's obsession with chocolate is bordering on the obscene - almost as bad as my own.

The game takes ages to play through properly. There are plenty of things to do and see and even the most astute player will find this title a challenge.

My only real complaint is that the game play can be a tad laboured at times, especially when a player can only ask a character one question at a time. To ask further questions the player has to exit the screen and re-enter each time. Irritating or what!

At less than £20, Tivola titles are very good value for money and can keep a bunch of young detectives busy for hours. I particularly liked the secret code decoder and the idea that anyone could call a child Grunter.

Price: £19.99
Contact: 01908 617746
Feel good factor: 8 out of 10