On completion of my shopping, I normally dread queuing at the check-out.

I was very pleasantly surprised on a recent visit to discover the supermarket was still using up the plastic carrier bags left over from Red Nose Day.

I could not help smiling as I read some of the jokes printed on the bags and began to hope the queue would not move too quickly.

Why did the clock get sick? Because it was run down. Great! What did the snake say to his girlfriend? Let's hiss and make up. Terrific. Who designed Noah's Ark? An ark-chitect. Brilliant. And there were more.

How nice to come across some nice, clean, inoffensive humour for a change, instead of so many four-letter words from so-called comedians on the telly.

For a moment, I though I was back in the stalls at the Brighton Hippodrome, enjoying one of the old twice-nightly variety shows.

Perhaps the supermarkets could introduce more fun into shopping on a regular basis.

A quick game of bingo half way through the shopping with money-off vouchers as prizes would be nice.

-Michael Parker, Lewes Road, Brighton