Mr Blair, Mr Brown, Maff inspectors and vets all say we have the highest animal welfare standards.

So how come we exported BSE and now foot-and-mouth to EU countries?

They might have put new rules on animal transportation in place but obviously don't have the foot soldiers to implement these rules.

They closed down the Animal Investigation Unit at Tolworth and so left the animal export business open to rogue farmers' dealers and hauliers to run amok. We can all see what they have produced.

At the end of this crisis, we will have no pedigree cows or flocks of sheep to breed from.

If ever there was evidence against live animal exports, it is staring the politicians in the face.

Maff on numberous occasions has been told about filthy, unsanitised animal transporters entering and leaving Dover docks but chose to ignore it.

So I say to Maff, get your act together or change your name to Naff.

-Mr R E Sharp, Coombe Road, Brighton