I was disgusted to see that as part of its budget for 2001/2002 the Tory-controlled Adur District Council wishes to sell the eight paintings hanging in various offices of the Adur Civic Centre to save £1,200 a year (Argus, February 24).

To me, these paintings belong to the residents of the Adur district.

After hearing about this, I have given a lot of thought to the idea that residents should be able to buy these paintings themselves so they can still hang in the Civic Centre.

I therefore put forward to all members of all parties of the council that a public fund be set up to raise the £1,200 per year to save these paintings from being sold.

I feel many Adur residents would go along with this. I would be more than willing to give fund-raising ideas to save these paintings.

-Peter Osmond, Greenways Crescent, Shoreham