As old kit becomes obsolete the most cost-effective solution is to upgrade your computer.

With DVD firmly established, it makes sense to swap old CD drives for the latest combo-drives that can handle both CD and DVD with ease.

Memorex has developed a range of upgrade drives that are not too difficult to fit. However, they do require some fairly tricky software installation, so if you are a little unsure, ask your local computer shop to do the job for you. It could save a lot of tears in the long run.

The Memorex DVD-MAXX 1240 is a DVD/CD-ROM combo drive, which reads DVD at 12x speed and has a 40x CD-ROM drive. If this looks like gibberish, rest assured the drive is fast, efficient and, best of all, can handle both CD and DVD media.

Physically fitting the drive is a piece of cake providing you do not get a fit of the vapours when you look inside a computer case. Undo all the case screws, lift off the lid and look for your existing CD drive.

Having unbolted the old drive, take note of the wires which plug into this unit, unplug them and then make sure you plug the same wires into the new drive before you fit it. Memorex supplies a handy Quick Start guide with its drives which will get you through most problems.

In case of disaster, most independent computer stores are happy to help out a distressed DIYer. The most important thing to remember is to read the instructions properly before you start and keep them handy as you carry out the task.

The whole job should take around an hour and doing it yourself can save as much as £30 on the bill.

Price: approx. £90.

Contact: 020 7745 6000 or www. memorex Feel good factor: 9 out of 10.